• Ada apa dengan kampus PGSD ?

    Hayo... timbul pertanyaan ada apa ya dengan kampus konservasi, khususnya jurusan pgsd....  
    kampus yang ber visi dan misi sebagai berikut :
    Visi Program Studi
    Menjadi Program Studi  yang unggul, berdaya saing global, dan sebagai pelopor inovasi dalam bidang pendidikan dasar berwawasan konservasi

    Misi Program Studi
    1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk menghasilkan guru SD yang profesional, unggul, dan berdaya saing global berwawasan konservasi dalam bidang pendidikan dasar,
    2. Melaksanakan penelitian pendidikan yang inovatif melibatkan dosen, mahasiswa dan guru SD sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di PGSD dan SD,
    3. Melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sebagai implementasi hasil penelitian dan ikut serta memecahkan masalah-masalah nasional di bidang pendidikan dasar .
    telah terencana untuk mengindahkan kampus tercinta ini, dengan pembangunan pembangunan yang kian memperbaharui sehingga mewujudkan semboyan yaitu "konservasi".

     di PGSD juga ada sistim pamong, yang saya cuplik dari site resmi pgsd yaitu :

    Tata Pamong, Kepemimpinan, Sistem Pengelolaan, dan Penjaminan Mutu

    Civil Procedure Systems

                Governance system works effectively through mutually agreed mechanisms, as well as to maintain and accommodate all the elements, functions, and roles in the course of study. Governance supported by an organizational culture that is reflected by the existing and the establishment of rules, procedures for the selection of the leadership, ethics professors, student ethics, ethics education, reward and punishment system as well as guidelines and procedures (administrative, library, laboratory, and studio). Governance systems (inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes as well as the external environment that ensures the implementation of good governance) should be formulated, disseminated, implemented, monitored and evaluated by the rules and clear procedures.


                PGSD Studies Program as the organization is part of the organizational structure of the Faculty of Education, led by the Dean, with the help of World War I, World War II, and World War III. Faculty of Education consists of six departments namely Department-majors: PLS, KTP, Psychology, PGSD, BK, and early childhood education. Policies established by the university and the faculty senate meeting. Members of the faculty senate is Dean, Head of Department, Professor and a lecturer with the rank of vice Department at least lector. Implemented the policy defined at the level of Department / Study Program.

              Chairman of the Department PGSD assists the Dean in the administration of Tri Dharma High universities include organizing lectures, seminars, semester exams, essay exams, and relationships with internal and external agencies in order to represent PGSD Studies Program.

               Secretary of the Department PGSD serves as coordinator of the implementation of the secretariat in the Department PGSD Chairman of the Department in order to assist in implementing the academic administration. The department chairman PGSD assist in coordinating the implementation of the preparation and review of curriculum and syllabus, coordinate scheduling lectures in the Department of PGSD and coordinating the implementation of collaborative research between faculty and students.

              Quality Assurance Team on duty: (a) monitor and assess the implementation of the program, (b) reporting process and the monitoring and assessment to the Head of Department PGSD, and (c) to discuss the results of monitoring and evaluation for all faculty Prodi S-1 PGSD. Tegal PGSD Coordinator shall: (a) manage the academic and administrative activities of public administration, and (b) coordinate all activities within Tegal, and (c) report on the process and results of the activities to the Head of Department. Administration shall carry out educational administration, public administration and equipment, implementation of personnel, financial administration, and student affairs administration. Developer Group shall: (a) develop a field of study that applied in SD, and (b) report on the process and results to the Head of Department or Coordinator PGSD Tegal. Head of the Laboratory Unit shall: (a) managing the laboratory, (b) provide services to students practicum, and (c) reports the process and results of the laboratory. Head of Unit in charge of library: (a) managing the library, (b) provide services to meet the needs of students in the learning resources, and (c) report the process and results of activities of the library.

              Measures Prodi S-1 PGSD in designing and implementing programs based on the vision, mission, and objectives, as well as academic values ​​are internal forces that can push Prodi S-1 PGSD excel and achieve competitive advantage. These values ​​also bind and have internalized the fraction lecturer in performing professional duties, so the academic community is committed to a collaborative and participatory implementation of the vision, mission, and goals Prodi.

               Based on the above description deemed necessary institutional strengthening include improving the quality of teaching and administrative staff to use ICT to improve the quality of kinship in research and community service, and the creation of a more conducive working environment.
                Task lecturer PGSD / PGSD Program includes a number of PT Tri Dharma workload of at least 12 credits each semester. The division of tasks performed by the chief subjects taught are based on the authority and the relevant faculty expertise. In carrying out the duties of PT Tri Dharma, chairman of Department assisted by an ad hoc committee responsible for carrying out these tasks. Ad hoc committee in the Department of PGSD include Team Schedule lectures, team organizer semester exams, thesis coordinator Tim, Tim Department seminar, and team supervision, the housekeeping team.

    bagi yang mau daftar ke jurusan dengan greet tertinggi di unnes ayo silahkan.... kesempatan terbuka lebar - lebar untuk temen temen semua... 

    oya... ni tentang gambaran mini kampus pgsd karanganyar...

     ^_^ ... dengan semangat PGSD.... jaya....
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