This paper was compiled to fulfil the task of English
    Lecturer : Dra. Nuraeni Abbas, M.Pd.

    by :
    Idham Sumirat          ( 1401412379 )



    Chapter I
    1.1  Background
          Much of a child and adolescent's day is spent at school where they learn how to read, write and do arithmetic. These students are developing mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally from teachers, school counselors, administrators, support staff and other students. According to Rigby (2009), these days bullying is accepted in many schools throughout the states; it is extremely damaging to the minority of students, mentally, emotionally, physically, and academically. Weaving character education into the school's curriculum and/or encouraging the use of the various programs that are out there encourages more students to think about treating others differently.
    The definition of character education can be quite complicated because of the many values it encompasses. The definition is universal and the outcomes are distinguished. Pearson & Nicholson (2000), feel that there are three interconnected areas that represent good character: self, others, and the community. With their own actual self, students can look at self-discipline, responsibility, trustworthiness, courage, and self- discipline. Character traits such as: honesty, respect, empathy, kindness, and caring play into affect with students who have relationships with classmates, teachers, friends, and family. Utilizing schools discipline policies, character education programs, and encouragement from parents, schools are beginning to document that they can make a significant difference in the lives of the children they teach. Students will then live the positive character traits they learned through practice by treating others with respect and fairness while recognizing they are becoming responsible, caring, trustworthy citizens.
              National education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, which is aimed at developing students' potentials in order to be a man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible jawab.Pendidikan an important part of human life that can never be abandoned.

    1.2 Objectives
           The purpose of this paper is as follows:
    1.                   How To know and understand the definition of Nation Character
    Education ?
    2.                   How is the purpose of Education Nation Character?
    3.                   How is the implementation of Character Education in improving the quality of students in the school with English education?
    1.3 Problem Formulation
                1.         To know and understand the definition of Nation Character
                            Education .
    2.                  To know how is the purpose of Education Nation Character?
    3.                  To know how is the implementation of Character Education in improving the quality of students in the school with English education?

    Chapter I

    2.1 Definition and meaning of Character Education and Nation of Character Education
            Character education is a system of naming the values ​​of character, which includes knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement those values, both of Almighty God, ourselves, others, the environment, or nationality. Development of national character can be done through the development of one's individual character. However, because people live in a particular social and cultural environment, the development of one's individual character can only be done in a social and cultural environment is concerned. That is, the development of culture and character can be done in an educational process that does not release students from the social, cultural, and social and cultural bangsa.Lingkungan culture is Pancasila, so the culture and character education is to develop the values ​​of Pancasila on self peseta education students through the liver, brain, and physical.
            Character education to be the most important key of Indonesian revival of the slump to meet the coming new civilization. In Indonesia, lately become a very hot issue since the Character Education proclaimed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) Warning at the National Education Day, on 2 May 2010. Government's commitment aims to develop the character and culture as an integral part of the national education system to be backed up seriously. The character of the nation can be formed from educational programs or in the process of learning in the classroom. However, if education is seriously intends to establish a character generation of people, there are plenty of things to do, and it takes awareness to educators and also to implementing education policy. If we understand the meaning of education broadly, education as a process of awareness, pencerdasan and mental development or character, of course, is not only synonymous with the school. However, with regard to the culture in general is running, and also have the ability to drive awareness, forming perspective, and also to build character younger generation. That is, the character and habits concerning the perspective of students, youth, and young people in general little is formed in a classroom or school, but shaped more by social processes that also can not be separated from the process ideoogi and material-economic order ongoing.
            Educating the culture and character of the nation is developing the values ​​of Pancasila on self-learners through Education liver, brain, and fisik.Pendidikan is a conscious and systematic effort to develop the potential of learners. Education is a business community and the nation in preparing young people for the survival of a society and a better nation in the future. Sustainability can be characterized by the inheritance of culture and character which has been owned by the community and the nation. Therefore, education is a process of cultural inheritance and national character for the younger generation and also the character of the nation's cultural development to improve the quality of life of the people and the nation in the future. In the process of cultural education and the character of the nation, students actively develop her potential, interalisasi process, and appreciation of the values ​​of a personality to get along in society, to develop a more prosperous society, and to develop the national life of dignity. Based on the understanding of culture, national character, and education that have been raised above the level of the nation's culture and character education that develops interpreted as cultural values ​​and national character in self-learners that have value and character as the characters themselves, which applies those values in life itself, as a member of society, and citizens who are religious, nationalist, productive and creative. On the basis of thought, culture and character development education is very strategic for the nation's survival and excellence in the future. The development is to be done through good planning, the appropriate approach, the method of learning and teaching efektif.Sesuai the nature of a value, education, culture and national character is a joint effort by the school should therefore be carried out jointly by all teachers and school leaders, through all subjects, and become an integral part of the school culture.
            Functions Culture and Character Education Nation is the development potential of students to be well-behaved, and the peseta students who have attitudes and behaviors that reflect the culture and character of the nation, to strengthen national education to be responsible in the development of potential learners with dignity, and also to filter their own culture with other nations that do not conform to the cultural values ​​and character of the nation's dignity.

    2.2 Purpose of Education Nation Character
            Development of Culture and Character Education Nation, Culture and Character Education Understanding Nations Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education Law) defines the functions and objectives of national education to be used in developing educational efforts in Indonesia.Pasal 3 Education Law said, "Functioning of National Education to develop and form the character and civilization of a nation that is useful in order to achieve the life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potential to become human peseta yag faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible ". goal is the formulation of the National Education Indonesia's human qualities that must be developed by each unit education. Therefore, the formulation of national education goals provide the basis for the development of cultural education and the character of the nation. To gain insights into the meaning of culture and national character education need proposed understanding of the term culture, national character, and education. Character Nations Educational Objectives are as follows:
    1.      Developing students' affective potential as human beings and citizens who have cultural values ​​and national character
    2.       Develop habits and attitudes students are commendable and in line with universal values ​​and cultural traditions and national character
    3.      Instilling leadership and responsibility of learners as the next generation
    4.      Develop students' ability to be human pesrta an independent, creative, resourceful and nationality
    5.      Developing the life of the school as a learning environment that is safe, honest, full of creativity and friendship, and with a high sense of nationhood and full strength.

            Cultural values ​​and Character Education Nation is developed values ​​in education and culture and national character of the identified sources of Religion, for the Indonesian people are religious people, the lives of individuals, communities, and nations are always based on religious teachings and beliefs . Politically, the life of a state based on the value derived from a second source agama.Dan is Pancasila Pancasila: the Indonesian unitary state founded on the principles of nationhood and statehood called Pancasila.Pancasila contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution and elaborated Furthermore the provisions contained in the Constitution 1945.Artinya, the values ​​contained in Pancasila became the values ​​that govern political life, law, economics, society, culture and the arts.
    Culture and national character education aims to prepare students to be better citizens, the citizens who have the ability, willingness, and implement Pancasila values ​​in life as a citizen Negara.Budaya as true that no man is living in a society that not realized by cultural values ​​recognized tersebut.Nilai-cultural society which will serve as the basis for giving meaning to the concept and meaning of the communication between the tersebut.Posisi culture so important in the education of the nation's culture and character.

    2.3 Implementation of Character Education as an effort to improve the relevance and quality of education.
    Four points referenced in the implementation of Character Education, namely:
    1. Sports Exercise / Kholbu (Spiritual And Emotional Development), on the development of assets related to religious values (deity, Hablumminalloh) so that it can work and act with sincerity.
    2. Procees to feel / Karsa (Affective and Creativity Develomment) is developing assets associated with our fellow human beings. (Hablumminanas), so that they can establish a love for each other both personally, socially and community.
    3. Sports Thought / Dhikr (Intellectual Development) is developing asset associated  with reason, that can think clearly and intelligently.
    4. Sports and Kinesthetic (Physical and Kinestetic Development) is developing physical assets to keep it healthy and able to work hard.
                 In the implementation of Character Education is the responsibility of superficial elements of the nation, especially as the guardian of frontline teachers in education. Character education is applied in units of acculturation and education means making pemanusiaan (Koesoema, 2007: 114) in accordance with the main substance of a private building with noble character as individuals, communities and nations.  According Foesster four Character Education traits, namely:
    1.      Interior regularity where every action is measured based on the hierarchy of values.     Normative values guiding every action.
    2.      Coherence that gives courage, made fast to the principles of a person not easily tossed blindly            to new situations or fear of risk. Coherence is a fundamental and build mutual trust with each other.
    3. Autonomy, which means a person has the freedom to internalize the value - the value of the      personal decisions without the intervention of others.
    4. Constancy and fidelity. Tenacity is one's resistance to achieve something that is looking good. hile loyalty is to honor the commitment of the selected.

    Chapter III
    3.1 Conclusion
    The conclusion of this paper is as follows:
    1.      Character education is a system of naming the values ​​of character, which includes knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement those values, both of Almighty God, ourselves, others, the environment, and national character kebangsaan.Pengembangan do through the development of individual character seseorang.Akan but, because people live in a particular social and cultural environment, the development of one's individual character can only be done in a social and cultural environment is concerned.
    2.      The character education aims to prepare students to be better citizens, the citizens who have the ability, willingness, and implement Pancasila values in life as a citizen
    3.      With the passing of Character Education back in a variety of strategy implementation is expected to be able to explore and develop the potential of learners towards more advanced and successful. The overall potential of both IQ (Intelligence Questient), EQ (Emotional Questient) are combined into a single unit into ESQ (Spiritual Emotion Questient) as stabilizers balance achieving success in this world and in the hereafter

    3.2 Suggestion
    Character formation is expected to be three related parts, that moral knowledge (moral knowing), feelings (moral feeling), and moral behavior (moral behavior). Therefore, the authors suggested that the prospective teachers were able to understand more about character education and how to develop it.



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